{Special} Happy Mothers Day Funny Messages From Kids, Son, Daughter | Whatsapp FB {UK} – Having fun really wipes out all the stresses from the life as there’s a scientific reason behind it which was proved in earlier centuries. It is said that the pleasure doubles with the inclusion of funny lines in the daily conversation with the people. But you are going to have a lengthy conversation with you on eagerly awaited Mothers day 2015 Messages. The entire day you will spend with your mother in talking with her and giving her a lot of enjoyment through your lovely wishes. She is going to be made feel that you are with her and will never disobey her throughout the life.

Mother's Day Funny Messages and Greetings

Of all thé spécial joys iñ lifé,
Thé big oñ és añ d thé small,
a mothér’s lové añ d téñ dérñ éss
Is thé gréatést of thém all.
Mom, you’vé givéñ évérythiñ g to mé;
You taught mé how to livé añ d how to bé.
I’m thiñ kiñ g of you, ñ ow, oñ Mothér’s Day.
I lové you, mom, much moré thañ I cañ say; Lord, shé has a déar‪ h‎é‬art, liké ño othér; Lord, pléasé také good caré of my swéét mothér.
Month of May

For all the diapers
that you changed,
For all the play dates
you arranged.

For all the trips
back and forth to school,
For cleaning all the spit up
and the drool.

Why is there only
one Mother's Day?
You could have at least gotten
the ENTIRE month of May.

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Funny Mother's Day quotes,sayings and wishes

Mum you know the worst of me,
My weaknesses and follies,
I know you've seen me poop my pants 
and cut the heads off dollies,

You know all my most embarrassing moments,
You know that I'm a nut,
So what can I do to repay your love..
...and make sure you keep your mouth shut!?

Mother's Day Funny Poems

Roses are red,
Windex is blue.
Thanks for keeping everything clean,
I really appreciate it.

Ed: This is my second-favorite funny Mothers day poem. It's short and to the point, and I like the surprise that it doesn't rhyme.

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Cute Mother's Day Messages and Greetings

Dear Mum...
I love that you loved all my "art",
You told me it was beautiful,
You told me it was smart,

You loved my pottery and painting,
And my popsicle stick bridge
But don't you think it's long enough age.

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